Living Off The Electric Grid

A decade or two ago, the infrastructure, ie electrical grid seemed much more reliable. Lately, every time there is a storm or bad weather, at the very least I lose satellite. That means no TV and no computer. In the winter, sometimes ice storms will completely shut the electricity down for hours. No water, no lights, no nothing.

Each time this happens, I cling to the only electrical appliances that work, a very small hand crank flashlight, while I search for and light candles. I also have my cell phone, if it's charged. This small flashlight works because you can use a hand crank on it, to charge it's batteries. It occurred to me, in the last year or so to think about getting some appliances that don't rely as heavily on electricity, specifically the 110 AC that comes from the electric company. The reason I have found that I feel so dependent and vulnerable on electricity or without it, is because I have only the flashlight or candles when I lose power.

The first thing I bought was a PanDigital eReader. I keep it charged. It is capable of picking up any wifi, if one is close and working. I bought a Midland storm radio with /CB/ AM/FM. It also has a small hand crank, and two kinds of rechargeable batteries. It also has a connection that I can use to charge my cell phone with! It won't put a huge charge on my cell phone, but it can be cranked up to make a call in an emergency. Many times I have lost power, only to find out my cell phone needed charging. I also bought a set of Midland walkie talkies that can be kept charged. The total cost for the eReader, and the radios was a little over 300 dollars. The eReader was most of the cost. Now, when the electricity goes out, I get on my computer, I turn on my radio and I can also talk to people on my citizen band radios.

Currently I am looking into reasonably priced solar panels and wind generators. I am going to be trying out a solar cell that charges small batteries first. The biggest reason I have found that we seem so helpless without electricity and dependent on the electrical grid is because we just don't have the right appliances. Each time I add a device or appliance that I can still use when the lights go out, makes me feel, just a little more em"powered".

I have 5 Kyocera 140w Solar Panel , a MorningStar SI-300-115V -UL SureSine 300W Inverter, 115V, 60Hz and a Morningstar TriStar 60 Amp MPPT Charge Controller